Friday, September 28, 2012

Somthing The School Really Needs Is A Terror Walk.

What our school really needs is a TERROR WALK because we need something interesting on the field and everyone wants to have fun everyday. It would be strawberry red with some pitch black,crazy stripes on the sides. There would be two coast guards on each end of the crazy ride. There would be two terror walks end of the feild.The senior one would be dangerous and the junior one would a smidge safer .Both terror walks would operate ONLY at lunch time every day. All the students would be able to have a turn.ONLY one or two people (if you're taking a challange) are aloud on at a time. It would be super duper popular.It would take 10 minutes to complete all of it. Everyone would enjoy it. You would have to put on safty gear on before you ride.        By E.S.

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