Thursday, May 31, 2012

Rabbits and Lions


A rabbit is a mammal, that means they have furry bodies.  They have long ears to stick up and to pick up all sorts of sounds in different directions.Rabbits love to play and they find it lots of fun.  Rabbits normally eat veggies,fruit and hay.  Rabbits can see 1m or 12cm long and some rabbits don't have good eye sight.  A lopped eared rabbit can't hear very good.  Rabbits have little souls on their tongue like sweet,sour and salt.  The mother digs a tunnel to live in and have shelter.   by J.G

Lions are related to the domestic cat.  Lions live in Africa.  They live in family groups called a pride.  All cats belong to a group of animals called mammals.  Cats are also carnivores which means they eat meat or fish.  BY M.M

Elephants and Bonobos

Elephants lived on earth for very long time.Today's elephant lived forty million years ago. There are 3 kinds of  elephants, African forest elephants, the African bush elephant and Asian elephant.They have big ears and have straight backs.  Asian elephants have sloped backs ,smaller ears and wrinkly skin. L.S


Bonobos live in rainforests.  They eat fruit,insects and leaves.  They hunt through the morning and sometimes kill small animals.  Bonobos groom there babies and kiss them.  Bonobos is a kind of chimpanzee but smarter than chimpanzees and have darker faces than.  J.K



Giganotosaurus and Zebra's

Giganotosaurus ate dinosaur flesh.  They also ate left over carcasses because they were hunter and a scavenger.  A massive meteorite smashed into earth making tsunamis and volcanoes explode caursing the end of the dinosaurs.   L.B                      

Zebra's mostly eat grass.  Wild Zebra's live in Africa. Zebra's are part of the eauidae family with the horse's and the donkey's.  Zebra's run side to side when they are being chased by a predator.  The most commonly found Zebra's are the plain Zebra's.   T.M

Cheetahs and Giraffes

A cheetah's favorite food is small animals like Antelopes.  They also eat small plants.  A cheetah can jump 7 to 15 feet high.  Cheetahs are the fastest animal on this planet.  By A.R.

A male giraffe is as heavy as a pick up truck.  A pick up truck weighs 1400kg.  A giraffe's tail is about 10 times thicker then the average human hair.   By E.J.

Parrots and Cheetahs

They are also known as psittacines.  Parrots are found in warm climates all over most of the world.Stringapodeas are New Zealand parrots.  Parrots are omnivores.  Many parrots are kept as pets.
Macaw's,Amazon's,lorikeet's,lovebird's,cockatoos and many other birds are considered parrots.   By.H.M

Cheetahs can sprint for 20 seconds-40 meters and can swim 5km-size of 50 rugby fields.  Males tend to be more robust and weigh 10 pounds more than females.  Cheetahs like eating,springbok,impala, Thomson gazelle.  Grant gazelle are their favourite foods.  By.G.B

This was challenging homework and it took a lot of effort!  We think it was a smart activity so that we could learn more about different animals.  We did it because our inquriy is "What is an animal?"
We love our new inquiry.  It took 2 weeks to make it. 

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Man Gave Names To All The Animals

Room 23 have been reading a book about how animals got their names.  It was written by Bob Dylan. 
We really enjoyed his idea so we came up with our own verses about how animals got their names.  This is how it went.

He saw an animal that had keen eyesight.
A sharp beak and liked to play hide and seek.
It didn’t like to walk.
“Ah, I think I'll call it a hawk!” By N.B

He saw an animal that liked to roll.
It was dark orange with big, black eyes and liked to chase mice.
It curled up on his mat.
“Ah, I think I’ll call it a cat!” By D.A

He saw an animal that buzzed through the air.
Sometimes it gave him a really big scare.
They picked up pollen from the flowers as he could see.
“Ah, I think I’ll call it a bee!” By A.Y

He saw an animal that had long whiskers and skin like leather.
It liked to swim in all sorts of weather.
It liked a fishy meal.
“Ah, I think I'll call it a seal!  By M.M

He saw an animal that was walking around the park with it’s owner.
It liked eating biscuits and treats and wasn’t a loner.
It was sniffing around  a log.
“Ah, I think I’ll call it a dog!”  By E.J

He saw an animal, that liked to swing from tree to tree.
It was a bit funny and kind of funky.
“Ah, I think I’ll call it a monkey!”  By C.T

He saw an animal with orange skin and black spots.
It had super speed and he liked it lots.
The animal was hunting and was a meat-eater.
“Ah, I think I’ll call it a cheetah!” By I.W
He saw an animal that had feathers so colourful and was beautiful.
Its tails was spread out and looked like it got a shock.
“Ah, I think I’ll call it a peacock!” By K.M

He saw an animal that had lots of stripes.
It was black an white and looked like pipes.
It stopped in the wild for a drink at the river.
“Ah, I think I’ll call it a zebra!”  By S.H

He saw an animal that had long whiskers and shiny scales.
It was slightly smooth and he thought, “That could be mine, I wish!”
“Ah, I think I’ll call it a catfish!” By J.G

He saw an animal that swam in the sea and had busy blue fins.  It was playful and had shiny skin.
“Ah, I think I’ll call it a dolphin.”  By T.M

Paper Mosaics by Room 23