Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Our Book Club

This year room 23 have decided to start our very own book club for 2012!  Our 2 books that we have chosen to start off with are, Heidi and Diary of a Wimpy kid: Cabin Fever.  For 2 weeks we are going to read these books at home and after that we are going to share what we read with our club members.  Then we are going to decide on an activity that we would like to do about the story.  Keep visiting to check out our activities. We are sure you will want to read these books after you see them!  By E.S

Dr Ro B

Hi  this  is my  robot  Dr  Ro B.  He is made out of  paper and he moves on wheels.  It took me about three hours to make and  I  love  him.  He  is like a kid  that  you  can  play  with.  I will upload a video soon.  Keep checking! By M.M

Monster Poster

In room 23 we learnt how to make a poster for a character.  We read a book called Monster for Hire.Then everyone talked about it and then we came up with a brilliant idea.To make a monster for hire poster! First we thought about how it should looked and the information needed. Then we drew our monster and added the details By G.B and J.G

Friday, March 2, 2012

First Day at School

Today is the most exciting day because I was starting school again. I packed my school bag and walked to school with my mum. I squeezed my mum's hand like a lemon squeezer.Then when I opened the gate I saw a gigantic school. I opened the cloak bay and put my bag away on a hook. When I looked through the window it looked normal.Then when I opened the door I heard a pandemonium of noise.Suddenly these really weird people popped up in front of my big face and they didn't look normal.Meanwhile they all bunched up and exploded into outer space and they were floating right next to New Zealand.After a while I saw my teacher and she was so fat I couldn't handle it.I screeched," WHATS WRONG WITH THIS!!" Then I saw the the maths corner and one of the questions said alien+alien=bailien. That's so weird. After awhile I looked at the tables and all of the chairs were full of mud.It was disgusting and also the tables were too.         WRITTEN  BY AR AND ILLUSTRATED BY JG