Monday, October 29, 2012

Happy birthday by g.t

It was nearly Iris's birthday her mum and dad asked me to give her a surprise birthday. The people who I was inviting was me,K.G, C.P, D.A, A.Y, N.M, E.S, and E.J. I said 'good! I have done the invitations, now to organise the party games". We are going to play pin the tail on the donkey, spin the nail polish, oreo game, musical statues, musical chairs and who can eat the most marsh mallows. I said ''tick! Now for the food we need.'' Cup cakes, cake, drinks, pop corn, fairy bread, hot dogs and custard pudding. "Yummy" I said, ''now for the decorations we need.'' A happy birthday sign, a disco room, foot steeps to follow to the door and ice cream pens so every one could have them and the loot bags are all done. We dressed Iris's dog into superman he looked so cute. I just got a text from Iris saying ''I'm coming home now'' I said ''quickly hide. 'So everyone hid. ''When iris get's through the door we are going to say happy birthday" ''ok ok'' said everyone. When Iris walks through the doors we said ''happy birthday Iris!'' She was so happy and she said "who's idea was this?" Everyone said ''Georgia thank you georgia so much.'' We played all the games and Iris thought her dog was so cute. We ate all of the food that our tummies are now sore. It was nine o'clock mum said ''go to bed.'' The next morning every one went and took there awesome loot bags home. Iris said to georgia ''thank you for all this '' "see you tomorrow bye bye'' and I went home.


"YIPPEE" My friend's mum has just asked me to organise a surprise birthday party for my friend!!
Even better she gave me a list so I don't stress.The first thing I got was some automatic ghosts, and some scary decorations to go on some horses. A hour later I was checking my list... spooky decorations...scary books...I forgot the scary books! I ran to the Book Shop and looked for some scary books. Yes, I found them,but only four were for sale. Luckily I only needed four and I raced to the counter. Once I got to the house that I hired, I put most of the decorations in place. All I needed now was some sleep...

The next morning most of the decorations were still in place. All the others were getting put up. My friends name is Georgia, she is a BEST friend. Now I needed Georgia, I couldn't wait to see the look on her face! Firstly I took her to the supermarket and chatted until her mum texted me a "BEEP". I said it was time to go, so we went back. Once we got in, all the lights were off. Georgia asked"Anybody here?!?" She flicked the lights on and shrieked in terror .Everyone was frozen like a statue. The decorations were scaring her. The cake was scary. Everything was scary!! I giggled silently...

A few hours later, when we were finished, she said "Thank you Iris! This was what I wanted , a Scary, sensational, surprise birthday party!" I grinned, silently remembering the times we had, when we were young. Then the automatic ghost that just dropped made  both of us SCREAM! At the end of the day, we celebrated her birthday AGAIN, but it was a small tea party. After that I gave her my present...Goosebumps My Hairiest Adventure. 

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


On Wednesday 26th September, our school participated in the Drop, Cover and Hold Shakeout at 9.26am. It was great practice but glad it was not real!